
Showing posts from March, 2017

Our Children Are Not Trophies

Every human being who has ever lived has asked this question: “Where is my meaning and purpose in life to be found?” The way you answer that question will determine how you speak to and treat the people in your life. For parents, it specifically impacts the way you interact with your children. The Bible says that there are only two places for you and me to look for meaning and purpose (or identity). One place to look is vertically from God—from his love and acceptance, his forgiving grace, his constant presence, his power and his promises, and the glory of all of these that he’s showered down on us. But if you’re not resting in your vertical identity, you will look horizontally, searching to find your reason for living in something in the created world. That could be your possessions, your accomplishments, your career or the people in your life—namely, your spouse and your children. The problem with this horizontal identity quest is that created things were never

The Marriage You Want

What does cherish mean? How is cherish different from love? I recently came across a brilliant description of cherishing your spouse that was written hundreds of years ago by a surprising source. I say “surprising” because John Wesley taught about marriage better than he lived it. This quote shows he surely understood how husbands (and wives) are supposed to act, even if he found it difficult to live it out: “The wife is to have the highest place in the husband’s heart, and he in her’s. No neighbor, no friend, no parent, no child should be so near and dear to either as the other… They must do more, and suffer more, for each other than any other in all the world…the husband must do or leave undone, anything he can, that he may please his wife…in diet, attire, choice of company and all things else, each must fulfill the other’s desire as absolutely as can be done, without transgressing the law of God… Helpful fidelity consists in their mutual care to abstain from and pr

Put God First In Your Life

Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second greatest commandment is love your neighbour as yourself. Here are some suggestions as to how that looks like in daily life. 1. Start your day with God. Years ago I read that the daily habit of Billy Graham was to read a chapter of the Old Testament, a chapter from the New Testament, a Psalm and one chapter of Proverbs every day. I thought, if it works for Billy Graham, I need to give it a try. That was over thirty years ago. Starting my day reading God’s word has been one of the best decisions and habits that I have. I still marvel at how God speaks to me daily through His word. I love how the Psalms show me the true emotions and hearts of those ancient songwriters. I love how reading the Proverbs gives me daily wisdom on living a balanced life. I love how reading the New Testament reveals Jesus and the great men and woman that follow