
Showing posts from October, 2017

How to Gain LIFE & LIGHT

Beloved!  I understand that praying is great and fasting is a necessity in the journey of Christ. I know that any field you belong - I want you to know there is a spirit and nature behind any profession.  There is a nature of God that's for doctor's. There is a nature of God that's for marriage. There is a nature of God for any phase or profession in life. If you don't possess that nature, you will operate and function like mere humans. There won't be any difference between you and the unbeliever's.   Before Jesus started his earth ministry while He was on earth; he received the nature at Jordan when the heavens opened up and this nature came upon him in a bodily form like a dove.  Jesus is the pattern son. For any field of life God has called you to function; I  want you to strive to ask God for the nature apportion for that calling or profession. In one word, this is called - *Divine Encounter.*   Divine Encounter is the clothing of