
Showing posts from November, 2016

Don't Give Up!

When it hurts so bad, call on Him (God), take a deep breath, and let it out. I know you're hurting and confused, and you just don't know what to do. You're walking around wondering why your life has been turned inside out. You're trying to figure out why you have to go through all of this hurt and pain. Some things will never be explained. I know you trusted a few to be there through the good and the bad. When all hell broke out, they were the last people to show you that they cared. That's why God said to put your trust in Him, not man.  The storm won't last forever. Trust me, I've been there before. All you have to do is call on Him (God) and ask Him to help you through it. He loves you, and unlike people, He will never leave or forsake you. You don't have to be ashamed of your past. God forgives and forgets. Stop allowing the enemy to come into your mind and tell you all of the bad things you've done and said, and how no one care


Please watch the words that come out of your mouth. Be careful how you use your tone when you speak. Sometimes it's not what we say that hurts; it's how we say it.  Think back on a time when someone said something to you and it really hurt. Was it always what they said, or was it how they said it? “Proverbs 16:24 "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." It's so important that we think before we speak.  Saying the wrong words could kill someone inside, just as saying the right words could bring life.  Wow! Words are very powerful. Please remember before speaking, give careful consideration to the possible outcome.  Think about it! Jesus loves you!


One of the ways the enemy will try to keep you in bondage is by guilt. He will use your past and bad choices to make you feel so bad that you start to believe that even God wont forgive you.  Jeremiah 31:34 say’s he will forgive you for your sins, and remember them no more. Now that don’t mean keep doing the same things that you have ask God to forgive you for. When you repent, you are to turn from your wicked ways. The enemy will use guilt to make you believe different. One of the hardiest things for people to do is forgive themselves.  Psalms 32:5 says, Confess, all your sins to God. The best thing to do is to tell God everything. Release the shame, pain and the hidden secrets that are killing you inside. Guilt will snatch your joy, happiness and block your relationship with the Lord. Once you confess, then accept God’s forgiveness. Stop worrying about what people remember. God has already forgotten about it. So many people spend so much time trying to be liked or loved