
One of the ways the enemy will try to keep you in bondage is by guilt. He will use your past and bad choices to make you feel so bad that you start to believe that even God wont forgive you. 

Jeremiah 31:34 say’s he will forgive you for your sins, and remember them no more. Now that don’t mean keep doing the same things that you have ask God to forgive you for. When you repent, you are to turn from your wicked ways. The enemy will use guilt to make you believe different. One of the hardiest things for people to do is forgive themselves. 

Psalms 32:5 says, Confess, all your sins to God. The best thing to do is to tell God everything. Release the shame, pain and the hidden secrets that are killing you inside. Guilt will snatch your joy, happiness and block your relationship with the Lord. Once you confess, then accept God’s forgiveness. Stop worrying about what people remember. God has already forgotten about it. So many people spend so much time trying to be liked or loved by people, that they start to please people more then God. They start to slip further and further away from God, and their purpose in life. Remember, only what you do for Christ will last. People change, God remains the same.


1. Recognize your sins
2.Realize that Sin is against God `
3.Confess all, not some, but all your sins
4.. Accept God's forgiveness.
5.Don’t entertain the thought’s that the enemy bring to your mind from the past that comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy you. Keep your mind on that which is pure, holy, and acceptable to God.

Jesus loves you so much. 



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