Salvation And Predestination

Salvation is a journey from the kingdom of sin into the kingdom of God. In this journey, the starting point is being Born again and the ending point is you becoming a God here on earth (Becoming the kingdom of God here on earth) Psalm 82:6.

Romans 8:28-30 holds the detail of the journey in Salvation. The first point Salvation is "pre-destination." What is PRE-DESTINATION?

Pre-destination is the foundation of God's plan and purpose for your life. It's a pre-plan and pre-arrengement God made concerning your life before God formed you into your mother's womb. It determine what God creates and how God will create a thing.

Pre-destination is the process of God identifying why He have to create some thing. It is the ability of God's foresight into your destiny even before He formed you into your mother's womb. It is the mental picture of God's mind that reflected your destiny before you were created. It is the end expectation of God for life even before He formed you into your mother's womb.

This is what "pre-destination represent. You didn't just show up on earth. Your parents didn't just choose to gave birth to you. God deliberately planned in advance for your life even before He formed you into your mother's womb. Your future is God's yesterday. God has planned for your life, from your birth to the day you will die even before you were born. You have being pre-destined. God knew about your life and prepared or arranged all that will be necessary for your life before you were born.

This is the first revelation you must embrace in this journey of Salvation. #Romans 8:30

Prince Victor Matthew
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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