Play Your Part

I need you to give attention to this. Every ministry has a pattern and specifications. Your specification and pattern will be determined by the clarity of the vision or assignment God has given you. No body own a vision, it's the vision that owns you and dictate what you ought to do and not to do. Daily seek to understand the pattern God has designed for his work in your hand. Ministry is not about success or achievement. Ministry is about accurate obedience to Gods instruction at the right time.
Your bible study and prayer points ought to be dictated by the clarity of the vision God has given you. This is and will be in future the basic for your personal relationship with the Lord. I mean, a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Never you value the people more than the vision. The vision is to the people, for the people and must stay with the people. What God has given you is bigger than you
So play your part well as you prepare to hand over to the successor the Lord has ordain ahead of you. Don't try to do it all, play your part and pass on the mantle.
#HopeExpression #PrinceVictorMatthew


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