Your Purpose & Your Mentor

Having a mentor is not bad but the approach can be bad. You don't accept any one as a mentor because of their glory, fame or social status

Every body can not be your mentor. Your mentor is some one that is more experience or with more knowledge in any aspect of your life than you. This is defined by purpose.

You need a mentor in making the discovery, preparation and fulfillment of your purpose easier for you. The demands of what your purpose needs to survive is what determine who can be your mentor.

Your mentor should have the capacity to inspire you to learn, grow, stretch and become the best ACCORDING TO YOUR PURPOSE.

Mentorship is lovely and it makes growth easier for you. Your mentor is not your friend.

Your Mentor is not financial sponsor where you expect him or her to pay your bills. A mentors primary assignment is to help you conquer the ignorance in you and help you grow in the direction of Gods purpose for your life.

What is purpose? Your purpose is the kind of solution God has wired you to generate, base on your passion or what appeal your interest.

Your mentor is some one who has answers to your questions. Clarity to your confusion. Solutions to the problems surrounding you.

Mentors are not suppose to solve all your problems for you. They are meant to train you to know how to solve problems by your self. 

In the journey of need a mentor and you need to cooperate with your mentor.

HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

®Baba Love
®Prince Victor Matthew


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