
Showing posts from June, 2017

Salvation and God's Plan

Salvation is not in church and it's not with any man of God. Salvation is in the word of God and she can only be understood through your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Salvation is in your personal Encounter with the Holy Spirit. She's in the covenant and promises of God concerning your life. She's in the word of God spoken to you. Salvation is in you and Christ in you is Salvation. When can you function in Salvation? The answer is now! If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the son of the Living God, you are save. This is what I call the believe factor. Believe it and confess it; this is the only way to step into salvation and keep walking in the salvation you have found in Christ Jesus. Salvation is a reconciliation process; between you and the plans. Experiencing Salvation and walking in this salvation is all about constant restoration of man back to God's plan. It's also about you knowing that plan and the role

Salvation And Justification

In salvation, what does it mean to be justify? Being justify is Christ declaring you "not guilty" base on the finished work on the cross. You are a saint. You are Righteous. You are Holy. You are qualify. You are perfect. You are suitable for what God has created you to do. This is not about you, what you have said or done. This is about what Jesus has done. Living and functioning with this mentality will help you to walk with the Lord in confidence and strength. Many times, we get afraid in our walk with the Lord and we also allow the devil to question us or even condemn us. This is an error. Lift up your eyes. Take your attention from your self and behold the finished work of Christ on the cross. It's all about Jesus. Being justified does not mean you didn't fail. It doesn't mean your faults are denied. Being justify means, you are guilty, you are at fault, you have sinned, you are condemned and you deserve to died BUT JESUS HAS DECLARED YOU NOT GUILTY BASE O

Salvation And Calling

The call of God creating you into your mother's womb is based on His assignment in you. It is the ability of you been fixed into a bloodlinage where the talent and temperament needed for the seed of purpose in you will function and flow naturally. Salvation and Calling is all about God "setting your apart" for a specific assignment according to the plan and purpose of God. God deliberated call you into Salvation for a specific assignment. Every believer has a divine calling upon their lives. You were called into Salvation. You didn't just gave your life to Jesus because you wanted to. You were called into Salvation and the Holy Spirit led you through the process. Calling is all about you being set apart or appoint for a specific plan and assignment in God's intention. You being here today is a deliberate decision God made by calling you to himself While we were lost in the world of sin, the Father called us into Salvation. He called us into His plan.