Salvation And Calling

The call of God creating you into your mother's womb is based on His assignment in you. It is the ability of you been fixed into a bloodlinage where the talent and temperament needed for the seed of purpose in you will function and flow naturally.

Salvation and Calling is all about God "setting your apart" for a specific assignment according to the plan and purpose of God. God deliberated call you into Salvation for a specific assignment. Every believer has a divine calling upon their lives.

You were called into Salvation. You didn't just gave your life to Jesus because you wanted to. You were called into Salvation and the Holy Spirit led you through the process. Calling is all about you being set apart or appoint for a specific plan and assignment in God's intention. You being here today is a deliberate decision God made by calling you to himself

While we were lost in the world of sin, the Father called us into Salvation. He called us into His plan. He called us into His purpose. He called us into the assignment of God. These are the operations of the Holy Spirit in Salvation.

Romans 11:29 made us to understand that the gift and calling of God is without repentance. From this scripture you will realize that even your mistakes and fault is not powerful enough to stop you. What God has called you to do is still possible and God has not change His mind. It's your duty to be available to the Holy Spirit for Him to reveal to you what God has called you to do.

Calling is not just for pastors, apostles or any of the five fold ministry. Every believer has a calling in Christ. Becoming a believer in Christ shows, God has called you. You were saved into an assignment that propel God to redeem you. You are not just in Salvation to enjoy alone. You are here to do the Work of your Heavenly Father. THE CALLING OF GOD IS UPON YOUR LIFE.

For further studies, study Eph 4:1. Philip. 3:14. 2 Thess. 1:11. 1 Timothy 6:12. 1 Peter 5:10. 2 Peter 1:10.

There is still Hope for you in Christ Jesus.

#John 15:5
#Matthew 11:28-29


Yours sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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