Salvation And Justification

In salvation, what does it mean to be justify? Being justify is Christ declaring you "not guilty" base on the finished work on the cross. You are a saint. You are Righteous. You are Holy. You are qualify. You are perfect. You are suitable for what God has created you to do. This is not about you, what you have said or done. This is about what Jesus has done.

Living and functioning with this mentality will help you to walk with the Lord in confidence and strength. Many times, we get afraid in our walk with the Lord and we also allow the devil to question us or even condemn us. This is an error. Lift up your eyes. Take your attention from your self and behold the finished work of Christ on the cross. It's all about Jesus. Being justified does not mean you didn't fail. It doesn't mean your faults are denied. Being justify means, you are guilty, you are at fault, you have sinned, you are condemned and you deserve to died BUT JESUS HAS DECLARED YOU NOT GUILTY BASE ON HIS FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS.

Remember our case study is Romans 8:29. Justification is meant to help you loose the consciousness of your own weakness and focus on God's love for your life. I know you lie some times. I know you gossip some time. I know you offend the Lord some time;Justification says, I know all that but will you focus on Jesus and let him MAKE YOU. It means I know all your fault but I won't judge for your fault; Jesus has already paid for your faults. Jesus paid for your faults so you can be free from sin in other to focus on the plan of God for your life. Freedom from sin is the beginning of bearing the yoke of God's plan for your life.

Salvation is NOT 100% free but it's 100% Family affair. Your freedom in Salvation is only within the instruction of the Lord to you and in God's plan for your life. Being justify does not mean you can do what you like. It's means you are free from judgement and punishment in other for you to be committed to the plans of God for your life.

Salvation and Justification is "don't worry about your fault, leave it to me to handle them. Follow me and I will make you into what I created you to become." THAT'S WHAT GOD DESIRE AND EXPECTS FROM YOU. This is the whole assignment of the Holy Spirit and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

For further studies: Hebrews 8:12, John 15:5, & Matthew 11:28-30

Prince Victor Matthew


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