
Showing posts from September, 2017

Beauty of Mistake

Beloved of God!  Self development is One  of the key factors that will build you in every phase of life God has called you.  In every teacher lies the heart of a student and every student has a teacher trapped inside of him or her. In Other words, you must learn to understand that you have what it takes.  You may not be there yet but you can be if you keep believing and working toward your capacity. Don't allow the success of other people make you feel despised or not good enough. Rather, I need you to allow the success of other people to make you believe  you too can make it!  Look  around you, you will see a lot of examples; some are failures and some are success. The example or role model you embrace will determine what you will become.  Yes! You have wasted years; that's not the problem, the challenge is what you are ready to do about it. You made a mistakes or you lost an opportunity, that's not the challenge; the challenge is what will you do w

A Judge or A Friend?

Beloved!  Insecurity is what makes you to be suspicious of your friends  and lovers.  When you begin to look for what is not missing, you will live with unsettled mind. When you are looking for some thing you are not meant to look for, you will surely see some thing you are not suppose to see.  When you put laws in to your hands and trust in your own wisdom without God, you might achieve result for some time. The truth is that you will fail so bad when you depend on Your  self.  Give!  Love!  Forgive!  Reconciliation is the only foundation that can help you build a healthy relationship.   Reconcile, redefine terms and be clear of your expectation.  Voice out with wisdom. The fact that some one made a mistake doesn't mean you are better than that person. You are here because God kept you - so let you boast  be in The Lord who has kept you.  The fact you succeeded doesn't mean those that failed, are inferior to you!  Don't suspect a

Be Consistent

Beloved of God!  I celebrate you. I want you to understand that you are blessed.  Inconsistency is one of the weapon the devil uses to delay your self development and calling.  Whatsoever God wants you to learn and know, keep searching for it. Be consistent at it. Don't just do it today and leave it till next week.  be discipline at it. Discipline is you doing what is necessary even if you don't like it.  Whatsoever God has kept in your hand can only survive through consistent effort. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, leap. If you can't leap, crawl. If you can't crawl, be restless till you improve and adjust or learn some thing new.  I want to encourage to be consistent. Be consistent in learning. Be consistent in improving your self. Be consistent in your commitment to what God has called you to do.  Be consistent!   Make no excuse!  Do some thing about what God has committed into your life.  Be inspired!