Beauty of Mistake

Beloved of God! 

Self development is One  of the key factors that will build you in every phase of life God has called you. 

In every teacher lies the heart of a student and every student has a teacher trapped inside of him or her. In Other words, you must learn to understand that you have what it takes. 

You may not be there yet but you can be if you keep believing and working toward your capacity. Don't allow the success of other people make you feel despised or not good enough. Rather, I need you to allow the success of other people to make you believe  you too can make it! 

Look  around you, you will see a lot of examples; some are failures and some are success. The example or role model you embrace will determine what you will become. 

Yes! You have wasted years; that's not the problem, the challenge is what you are ready to do about it. You made a mistakes or you lost an opportunity, that's not the challenge; the challenge is what will you do with that mistake you made? . Will you allow it break you or you use it to make your self better. 

Every body fails Or makes  mistakes some where - some how on their way to destiny. Some focused on their mistakes while some used that mistake to make their selves  better. 

You are not here because you lost those friends. You are not here because you lost that opportunity. You are not here because some one denied you a helping hand. You are not here because of your lack, *you are here because you refuse to do some thing about it.* 

Every mistake, challenge or problem is an opportunity to be *solution orientated.* Some people see it as obstacles - while some see it as an opportunity to practice what they know. 

Don't mourn the past, live in regrets and embrace depression. You can rise and be better or you can accept defeat and bury your self in excuses and self pity. 

Life throws a lot of things at you - will you create a ROAD with them or you will create a WALL with them. 

You missed it, you failed and you are fault. That's cool and okay. You can't change the past but what will you do with your past now? Develop yourself with it or bury your self continually in regrets and self-pity? 

Don't be careless  to make mistakes but if you do, build yourself with it and don't condemn yourself with it. 

You are free to believe whatsoever you want to believe but make Sure,  you are building a Godly capacity with what you are believing.  

As you walk in this path of life, I promise you that you will make multiple of mistakes. You can't  escape them but if you fall into them - learn your lessons and build your self. When you fall, rise and you fall, rise and you fall, rise but make sure you are picking up wisdom from the floor any time you fall. 

Self development without making mistakes it's impossible but don't let the mistakes be more important than what you were trying to achieve before you made the mistake. 

Every warrior has many scares but the fool's skin will Always  be smooth.   

Be Encouraged! 

You are a mentor and in every mentor lies the heart of a student! 




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