Be Consistent

Beloved of God! 

I celebrate you. I want you to understand that you are blessed. 

Inconsistency is one of the weapon the devil uses to delay your self development and calling. 

Whatsoever God wants you to learn and know, keep searching for it. Be consistent at it. Don't just do it today and leave it till next week. 

be discipline at it. Discipline is you doing what is necessary even if you don't like it. 

Whatsoever God has kept in your hand can only survive through consistent effort. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, leap. If you can't leap, crawl. If you can't crawl, be restless till you improve and adjust or learn some thing new. 

I want to encourage to be consistent. Be consistent in learning. Be consistent in improving your self. Be consistent in your commitment to what God has called you to do. 

Be consistent!  

Make no excuse! 

Do some thing about what God has committed into your life. 

Be inspired! 

Be led by the Holy Spirit. 



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