
Showing posts from August, 2016

Waiting on Love - Part 4

Ecc 9:11 says “The race is not for the swift or the battle to the strong, nor food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned BUT  TIME  AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL.” So tell me, what if you miss the  TIMING , how will you access the CHANCE (opportunity)?  TIME  is the principle of life and in  WAITING FOR LOVE ; you must prepare and discover this truth at the right  TIME . For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things. This has nothing to do with the amount of prayer and fasting. This is all about obeying the principle of  TIMING . Stop the procrastination and learn. Go and buy the oil for your lamb at the right  TIME . For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things. The oil can mean a lot of thing to different people. The oil can be your self development, attitude, polite words, forgiveness, discipline; your walk with the Holy Spirit, self discovery, improving your skill…etc. whatsoever is needed of you

Waiting on Love - Part 3

Go and learn how to communicate effectively. Go and learn to value the calls, text messages people send to you. To succeed in your relationship life – GO AND BUY FOR YOURSELF. GO AND BUY FOR YOUR SELF. Go and learn how to stop the gossip. Go and learn how to accept correction and rebukes. Go and learn how to apologize. Go and learn how to reconcile. Go and learn how to be humble. Go and learn how to embrace self development. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things GO AND BUY means GO AND LEARN Go and learn how to study your bible. Go and learn how to experience a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Go and learn how to be who the Lord has created you to be. Go and learn how to stop manipulating people. Go and learn how to stop being greedy. Go and learn how to respect people. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things Go and buy how to stop this domineering attitude. Go and learn… go and buy it. Buy it with

Waiting on Love - Part 2

Matthew 7:7 – 8 gave us the responsibility to ask, seek and knock – if you don’t  KNOW  what you ought to do about your relationship life,  IT’S YOUR FAULT.  If you don’t  UNDERSTAND  in what you ought to do about your relationship life,  IT’S YOUR FAULT.  If you don’t have the  WISDOM  to apply on what you ought to do about your relationship life,  IT’S YOUR FAULT.     The Holy Spirit is ever available – ask, seek and knock… It’s your right as a believer in Christ. Embrace your responsibility for the instruction the Holy Spirit have given to you concerning your relationship. Don’t assume you know the instruction – ask the Holy Spirit to define the instruction for you. Don’t use your ideas to understand the instruction – ask the Holy Spirit to explain to you. Don’t assume you can do it – ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the specification and pattern surrounding the Instruction He has given you concerning your relationship. In your questions to the Holy Spirit, always ask

Waiting on Love - Part 1

Case Study: Matthew 25:1 – 13 You are welcome to  MENTORING ZONE . In this month of July, we shall be looking into a topic the Holy Spirit has instructed me to teach through His Grace. Last month  (June),  we looked into the issue of  ‘DEEP SLEEP’  and the Lord was able to rebuke us, and instruct us, and deal with certain issues we’ve over looked. Praise God! Let’s go into the business of the day and may the Holy Spirit possess your heart with the truth of his word as we start in Jesus Name – Amen. What is waiting? Waiting is a lifestyle, a culture and the attitude of being at peace with your self and God irrespective of the delay to the promises of God or relationship. This is the absent of complains, gossip and disobedience to the Word of God. Without the word of God, there is no promise and without a promise, there is no need to wait. WAITING FOR LOVE  is the consciousness of the HOPE God’s word brings and it’s the ability of you staying focused ir