Waiting on Love - Part 1

Case Study: Matthew 25:1 – 13

You are welcome to MENTORING ZONE. In this month of July, we shall be looking into a topic the Holy Spirit has instructed me to teach through His Grace. Last month (June), we looked into the issue of ‘DEEP SLEEP’ and the Lord was able to rebuke us, and instruct us, and deal with certain issues we’ve over looked.

Praise God!

Let’s go into the business of the day and may the Holy Spirit possess your heart with the truth of his word as we start in Jesus Name – Amen.

What is waiting?

Waiting is a lifestyle, a culture and the attitude of being at peace with your self and God irrespective of the delay to the promises of God or relationship.

This is the absent of complains, gossip and disobedience to the Word of God. Without the word of God, there is no promise and without a promise, there is no need to wait.

WAITING FOR LOVE is the consciousness of the HOPE God’s word brings and it’s the ability of you staying focused irrespective of the distraction till you experience the promises God’s word holds unfolds.

WAITING FOR LOVE is not complete if the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of what you are waiting for are absent. This has nothing to do with uncertainty or aimless pursuit.

WAITING FOR LOVE is not being busy doing nothing neither is it an excuse for being lazy. It is not the absence of work or responsibility.

WAITING FOR LOVE comes along with commitment, responsibility, accountability, TIMING, discovery and preparation. But in all, only the Word of God sets the pace for every thing. 

Without an instruction from the Lord, there is no room to wait for love. So your WAITING FOR LOVE is totally dependent on the instruction God’s word carries. When the instruction from the Lord is absent, waiting becomes so frustrating.

The content of the instruction from the Lord will determine the measure of commitment, responsibility, accountability, TIMING, discovery and preparation you must embrace.

WAITING FOR LOVE is an attitude of trusting and believing according to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom you have about the instruction of God’s word to you.

WAITING FOR LOVE has nothing to do with you trusting and believing in nothing. If you don’t know, understand, and identify what you are waiting for, you are wasting TIME.

It’s okay for you to wait for love but do you know the love you are waiting for? Do you understand the love you are waiting for? Can you identify the love you are waiting for? What’s the quality of your preparation for the love you are waiting for? Do you even know the value of the love you are waiting for?

If you don’t have the answer to the questions above, you really need the help of the Holy Spirit. You must be able to find answers to the above questions when it comes to the instruction of the Lord to you. 

Let us look into the first step to embrace!


For waiting on love to be productive in your life, you must be committed, not just to the instruction or the promises – you must be committed to the one (God) that gave you the instruction.

It’s good to wait on love according to God’s instruction but it’s an error when people hold on the instruction of the Lord yet they reject God and use their own interpretation for the instruction of the Lord.

For your relationship, there is always a specific instruction from the Holy Spirit. Whatsoever the instruction might be, learn to know you will never understand the perfect meaning of an instruction without the instructor. So stop holding on to God’s instruction and promises and at the same TIME rejecting a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Your personal commitment to your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is more vital that the instruction of God concerning your love life.

Be committed to the instructor and Him alone will help you understand the instruction of the Holy Spirit concerning your love life.

Don’t take the Grace of God for granted and become careless about the instruction of the Lord to you concerning your relationship. Set the balance, be committed to the instructor and be committed to the instruction of the Lord to you concerning your love life or relationship.


It’s your responsibility to ask the Holy Spirit questions that will enhance your understanding. It is your responsibility to be willing, submit and obedient to the instruction of the Holy Spirit to you concerning your relationship.

I need you to understand that for every instruction of the Holy Spirit to you concerning your relationship, you have the responsibility to be sensitive, to know, to understand and to obey it. It’s a team work between you and the Holy Spirit.

To be continued....


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