Waiting on Love - Part 4

Ecc 9:11 says “The race is not for the swift or the battle to the strong, nor food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned BUT TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL.” So tell me, what if you miss the TIMING, how will you access the CHANCE (opportunity)? TIME is the principle of life and in WAITING FOR LOVE; you must prepare and discover this truth at the right TIME. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

This has nothing to do with the amount of prayer and fasting. This is all about obeying the principle of TIMING. Stop the procrastination and learn. Go and buy the oil for your lamb at the right TIME. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

The oil can mean a lot of thing to different people. The oil can be your self development, attitude, polite words, forgiveness, discipline; your walk with the Holy Spirit, self discovery, improving your skill…etc. whatsoever is needed of you to be prepared for love is the oil. SO GO AND BUY OIL FOR YOUR SELF. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

WHERE IS THE LOCATION FOR THE BUYING OF THE OIL? It’s the Holy Spirit, the studying of God’s word and the researches that supports God’s word. That is where you must go and buy for your self. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

WHAT’S THE CURRENCY NEEDED FOR THE BUYING? The currency here is your TIME, your commitment, your focus, your discipline, and your submission to the Holy Spirit (Word of God).

YOUR SELF is all about your destiny. WAITING FOR LOVE is a gift of life you are giving your self. You need to believe that you are not doing any body favour. Either your love-mate, husband, wife, parents or mentor or pastor; you are not doing any body a favour. You are only doing your self a big favour because this is all about you. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

Don’t rush. Take your TIME to wait for love but in WAITING FOR LOVE, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit to know when to ask question, when to learn and where to prepare for the love you are waiting for. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

Don’t compare your self with any body rather compare your self with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Go and get the oil for your self. For your self, so it’s for you and for your own sake. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

The wise virgin did some thing that looks selfish and wicked but their action carries the necessity of life. They told the five foolish virgin to go and get oil for their selves instead o sharing their own oil with them. You must learn and accept this; DON’T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHER PEOPLE MISTAKES AND WEAKNESSES. ALLOW THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN SELF.

I can’t teach you every thing this topic contains. I hereby commit you into the hands of the Holy Spirit to help and teach you on how to wait on love and the wisdom to prepare, identify and embrace the love God has assigned for your life.



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