Waiting on Love - Part 3

Go and learn how to communicate effectively. Go and learn to value the calls, text messages people send to you. To succeed in your relationship life – GO AND BUY FOR YOURSELF.

GO AND BUY FOR YOUR SELF. Go and learn how to stop the gossip. Go and learn how to accept correction and rebukes. Go and learn how to apologize. Go and learn how to reconcile. Go and learn how to be humble. Go and learn how to embrace self development. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things


Go and learn how to study your bible. Go and learn how to experience a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Go and learn how to be who the Lord has created you to be. Go and learn how to stop manipulating people. Go and learn how to stop being greedy. Go and learn how to respect people. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

Go and buy how to stop this domineering attitude. Go and learn… go and buy it. Buy it with your TIME, obedience and humility. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

You going to buy or learn is not just enough. GO AND LEARN IT AT THE RIGHT TIME. Stop doing the right thing at the wrong TIMING. You can’t just do whatever you want and go free. There is TIME for everything…Ecc 3:1. And if you miss this TIMING, you will suffer it. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

To every unmarried lady reading this, you are now 25 years, 30 years, 35 years or 39 years and you are complaining no man wants to date or even smile at you. The big question is: HOW DID YOU TREAT MEN AND YOUR FELLOW LADIES AT YOUR TENDER AGE? HOW RESPECTFUL HAVE YOU BEING ALL THESE YEARS? HOW FRIENDLY HAVE YOU BEING ALL THESE YEARS WHILE GROWING UP? DID YOU LEARN THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME? For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things. 

Adult Single ladies, God placed people in your life while growing up to help you go and learn the necessities for life…but how obedient were you to them? When they told you to stop being rude, did you listen to them? When they told you to embrace God back then, did you listen to them? When they told you beauty is not every thing – develop your character and capacity, did you listen to them? For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

When the people God placed in your life while you were growing up as a teenager insisted you develop your character, and manner of approach, did you listen to them? When they told you to prepare ahead, did you listen to them? When they advice you that love is not sex and sex is not love, did you listen to their teaching? When they encouraged you no sex before marriage, did you listen to them? For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

My sisters, now you are a single mother and you are worried if any man will accept your child and marriage you; did some one not warn you back then to avoid sex? Stop blaming the men and deal with your own carelessness. When your pastor advice you with God’s word, did you listen to him? Mummy begged you, did you listen to her? Daddy provided all you needed yet did you keep and protect your virginity? For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

My sisters, now you are pregnant and now you want to abort because of what people will say; some one warned you back then but you refused to listen. You should have escaped this situation. You are here today in this situation because you refused to go and learn at the right TIME. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

Just like the five foolish virgins were shut out side, a lot of singles are shut outside relationship. Shut out where isolation and loneliness strive. 

TIME has shut so many youths from relationship because they refused to go and learn at the right TIMETIME has shut many people out from opportunity because they refused to go and learn at the right TIME. God brought many people to advice and warn you but now TIME is now your greatest enemy and you don’t have a choice except you cry to God for mercy. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

You must face the consequence for your carelessness but ask the Holy Spirit for mercy. Ask God for a second chance. TIME is very vital and as this world is concern, every thing operates by it. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.     

My sisters, stop playing hard to get else TIME will take that brother away from you. My brother, its TIME to propose else, TIME will take that lady away from you. Stop taking people for granted else, TIME will take your destiny helpers away from you. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.
Ecc 3:1 says, “There is TIME for every thing and a purpose for every activity on earth.” There is a TIME to learn the principle of love. There is a TIME to discover love through God’s word. There is a TIME to prepare for love through God’s word. There is a TIME to wait for love through God’s word. There is a TIME to identify the love you are waiting for. There is a TIME to ask the Holy Spirit questions on how you ought to love...etc. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

Life is built through the principle of TIME. Relationship is built through the principle of TIME. Love is built through the principle of TIME. Ministry is built through the principle of TIME. You must understand and function through the principle of TIME. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things.

When you break the principle of TIME, it brings you to the place of judgment and when TIME is against you, you are doom. The only way is for God’s Grace and Mercy to preserve you.

To be continued....


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