Waiting on Love - Part 2

Matthew 7:7 – 8 gave us the responsibility to ask, seek and knock – if you don’t KNOW what you ought to do about your relationship life, IT’S YOUR FAULT. If you don’t UNDERSTAND in what you ought to do about your relationship life, IT’S YOUR FAULT. If you don’t have the WISDOM to apply on what you ought to do about your relationship life, IT’S YOUR FAULT.  The Holy Spirit is ever available – ask, seek and knock… It’s your right as a believer in Christ.

Embrace your responsibility for the instruction the Holy Spirit have given to you concerning your relationship. Don’t assume you know the instruction – ask the Holy Spirit to define the instruction for you. Don’t use your ideas to understand the instruction – ask the Holy Spirit to explain to you. Don’t assume you can do it – ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the specification and pattern surrounding the Instruction He has given you concerning your relationship.

In your questions to the Holy Spirit, always asks what, why, how, where, when, and who? Use each of these questions to embrace your responsibility. You are the only person that can limit the measure of what you can know, understand and do with the instruction the Holy Spirit has given you concerning your relationship. IT’S EITHER YOUR CHOICE OR YOUR FAULTY!


You are accountable to the Holy Spirit who is the instructor and to the instruction – which is the word of God. You must follow the instruction to the letters.

You are accountable to the Instruction of the Holy Spirit concerning your relationship life because your desire, decision, and expectation must agree with the instruction and the Holy Spirit.

You are accountable to the instruction of the Holy Spirit concerning your relationship life and the Holy Spirit on what you ought to do, how you ought to do it, how you ought to wait and when you ought to obey.

You are accountable to the Holy Spirit for how committed and responsible you have been to His instruction concerning your relationship.

Any human, mentor, father in the Lord, or any event God might choose to use to support or approval your relationship with your love-mate, must be accountable to the Holy Spirit and God's instruction given to you about your relationship. It must fall in line with the Authority of the Holy Spirit.


Your sense of accountability is what subjects you to the principle of TIMING.

As far as this kingdom of God is concern, TIMING is every thing and once you fail that principle, you will become so helpless.

Waiting is in different phase of TIMING and your accountability to the Holy Spirit and God’s instruction is the way forward. 

In WAITING FOR LOVETIMING is shared into three phase of process and all of them work hand in hand. The three phases are 

1. Discovery. 

2. Preparation. 

3. Manifestation. 

According to the case study – Matthew 25:1 – 13, all the ten virgins had the knowledge of what they were waiting for; it was not just uncertain waiting and wishing…No!

Do you really know the love you are waiting for? Don’t just hear the instruction alone; ask the Holy Spirit in other for you to know details.

Don’t joke with the TIMING for discovery and you must be sensitive to key into that TIME because once the TIMING is off, and you don’t key into it – your story becomes like that of the foolish virgins that were shut out side.


Preparation is not all about preparation. It is also you depending on the Holy Spirit to prepare well.

Necessity is the mother of preparation. Don’t depend on another person’s preparation for your own responsibility and waiting on love. Every human to him or her self; Prepare for your self and stop depending on another person’s experience or level of preparation.

According to our text – when the master was ready to come, the five foolish virgin said to the five wise virgin. Borrow us your oil for our oil has finish… but the wise said GO AND BUY FOR YOUR SELVES FOR THE OIL WILL NOT BE ENOUGH FOR YOU AND I. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

The oil can be your manner of approach. It can be your character. It can be the measure of God’s word in you. It can be your self development. It can be any thing BUT GO AND BUY FOR YOUR SELF. For you to effectively wait for love – you must learn these things

GO AND BUY FOR YOUR SELF. Go and learn how to be polite. Go and learn how to be considerate. Go and learn how to be friendly. Go and learn how to listen without assumption. 

To be continued....


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