
Showing posts from 2017

How to Gain LIFE & LIGHT

Beloved!  I understand that praying is great and fasting is a necessity in the journey of Christ. I know that any field you belong - I want you to know there is a spirit and nature behind any profession.  There is a nature of God that's for doctor's. There is a nature of God that's for marriage. There is a nature of God for any phase or profession in life. If you don't possess that nature, you will operate and function like mere humans. There won't be any difference between you and the unbeliever's.   Before Jesus started his earth ministry while He was on earth; he received the nature at Jordan when the heavens opened up and this nature came upon him in a bodily form like a dove.  Jesus is the pattern son. For any field of life God has called you to function; I  want you to strive to ask God for the nature apportion for that calling or profession. In one word, this is called - *Divine Encounter.*   Divine Encounter is the clothing of

Beauty of Mistake

Beloved of God!  Self development is One  of the key factors that will build you in every phase of life God has called you.  In every teacher lies the heart of a student and every student has a teacher trapped inside of him or her. In Other words, you must learn to understand that you have what it takes.  You may not be there yet but you can be if you keep believing and working toward your capacity. Don't allow the success of other people make you feel despised or not good enough. Rather, I need you to allow the success of other people to make you believe  you too can make it!  Look  around you, you will see a lot of examples; some are failures and some are success. The example or role model you embrace will determine what you will become.  Yes! You have wasted years; that's not the problem, the challenge is what you are ready to do about it. You made a mistakes or you lost an opportunity, that's not the challenge; the challenge is what will you do w

A Judge or A Friend?

Beloved!  Insecurity is what makes you to be suspicious of your friends  and lovers.  When you begin to look for what is not missing, you will live with unsettled mind. When you are looking for some thing you are not meant to look for, you will surely see some thing you are not suppose to see.  When you put laws in to your hands and trust in your own wisdom without God, you might achieve result for some time. The truth is that you will fail so bad when you depend on Your  self.  Give!  Love!  Forgive!  Reconciliation is the only foundation that can help you build a healthy relationship.   Reconcile, redefine terms and be clear of your expectation.  Voice out with wisdom. The fact that some one made a mistake doesn't mean you are better than that person. You are here because God kept you - so let you boast  be in The Lord who has kept you.  The fact you succeeded doesn't mean those that failed, are inferior to you!  Don't suspect a

Be Consistent

Beloved of God!  I celebrate you. I want you to understand that you are blessed.  Inconsistency is one of the weapon the devil uses to delay your self development and calling.  Whatsoever God wants you to learn and know, keep searching for it. Be consistent at it. Don't just do it today and leave it till next week.  be discipline at it. Discipline is you doing what is necessary even if you don't like it.  Whatsoever God has kept in your hand can only survive through consistent effort. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, leap. If you can't leap, crawl. If you can't crawl, be restless till you improve and adjust or learn some thing new.  I want to encourage to be consistent. Be consistent in learning. Be consistent in improving your self. Be consistent in your commitment to what God has called you to do.  Be consistent!   Make no excuse!  Do some thing about what God has committed into your life.  Be inspired! 

A Mentor is a Student

Students!     You must understand that there is no seat for any teacher if he or she lacks the heart of a student.  Who is a mentor?  A mentor is a student who is kind enough to share what he or she knows with other people.  Every teacher must posses a heart of a student and every student has the heart of a teacher.  To become great in the area of your calling, vision or assignment, never you accept you have arrived!  The knowledge of yesterday can never sustain the pressure of today. The achievements of today will always be like a failure in future!  As life increase, increase in knowing and learning!  Always remember this; your previous success and achievement IS YOUR GREATEST OBSTACLE AND ENEMY IN LIFE.  Dear student, take good care of the teacher in you.  Shalom!

A Teacher is a Student

Hello students! I greet you all Never you cultivate "arrival mentality " irrespective of the height of your achievement.  All you know, is not all there is to know. All you have achieved, is not all God has set for you.  All you have seen, is not all there is to behold. THERE IS MUCH MORE. Your destiny is bigger than your tiny brain and expectation.  Never you stop self development. Even in the midst of success and promotion; KEEP DEVELOPING YOURSELF.  It's better to be over prepared for destiny than for your opportunity to meet you lacking in preparation. This is your day!  You are a student! I am a student! Good teacher are people who have the heart of a student.  Shalom!

Attitude Your Faith

And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Luke 11:9 I recently met a young man who was waiting on God.  Waiting.  Waiting.  Waiting. His life had been headed down a dangerous path, and he was waiting for God to rescue him.  He had done nothing to get himself to a better place. He hadn’t looked for any help.  He hadn’t tried to change his behaviors.  He was just “waiting on God”, he told me. Waiting…and waiting. I admire people of faith.  I think it’s important to really believe; to live as if what you are believing is  already truth.  To trust God completely, fully, recklessly (Hebrews 11:1).  To take Him at His word and build your life upon it. Living a life of faith is something we should all strive to do. To live for what we believe, whether or not we see it in front of our eyes. But a major problem occurs when people use the guise of “faith” in exchange for the role of passivity; to cover inse

Salvation and God's Plan

Salvation is not in church and it's not with any man of God. Salvation is in the word of God and she can only be understood through your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Salvation is in your personal Encounter with the Holy Spirit. She's in the covenant and promises of God concerning your life. She's in the word of God spoken to you. Salvation is in you and Christ in you is Salvation. When can you function in Salvation? The answer is now! If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the son of the Living God, you are save. This is what I call the believe factor. Believe it and confess it; this is the only way to step into salvation and keep walking in the salvation you have found in Christ Jesus. Salvation is a reconciliation process; between you and the plans. Experiencing Salvation and walking in this salvation is all about constant restoration of man back to God's plan. It's also about you knowing that plan and the role

Salvation And Justification

In salvation, what does it mean to be justify? Being justify is Christ declaring you "not guilty" base on the finished work on the cross. You are a saint. You are Righteous. You are Holy. You are qualify. You are perfect. You are suitable for what God has created you to do. This is not about you, what you have said or done. This is about what Jesus has done. Living and functioning with this mentality will help you to walk with the Lord in confidence and strength. Many times, we get afraid in our walk with the Lord and we also allow the devil to question us or even condemn us. This is an error. Lift up your eyes. Take your attention from your self and behold the finished work of Christ on the cross. It's all about Jesus. Being justified does not mean you didn't fail. It doesn't mean your faults are denied. Being justify means, you are guilty, you are at fault, you have sinned, you are condemned and you deserve to died BUT JESUS HAS DECLARED YOU NOT GUILTY BASE O

Salvation And Calling

The call of God creating you into your mother's womb is based on His assignment in you. It is the ability of you been fixed into a bloodlinage where the talent and temperament needed for the seed of purpose in you will function and flow naturally. Salvation and Calling is all about God "setting your apart" for a specific assignment according to the plan and purpose of God. God deliberated call you into Salvation for a specific assignment. Every believer has a divine calling upon their lives. You were called into Salvation. You didn't just gave your life to Jesus because you wanted to. You were called into Salvation and the Holy Spirit led you through the process. Calling is all about you being set apart or appoint for a specific plan and assignment in God's intention. You being here today is a deliberate decision God made by calling you to himself While we were lost in the world of sin, the Father called us into Salvation. He called us into His plan.

Salvation And Predestination

Salvation is a journey from the kingdom of sin into the kingdom of God. In this journey, the starting point is being Born again and the ending point is you becoming a God here on earth (Becoming the kingdom of God here on earth) Psalm 82:6. Romans 8:28-30 holds the detail of the journey in Salvation. The first point Salvation is "pre-destination." What is PRE-DESTINATION? Pre-destination is the foundation of God's plan and purpose for your life. It's a pre-plan and pre-arrengement God made concerning your life before God formed you into your mother's womb. It determine what God creates and how God will create a thing. Pre-destination is the process of God identifying why He have to create some thing. It is the ability of God's foresight into your destiny even before He formed you into your mother's womb. It is the mental picture of God's mind that reflected your destiny before you were created. It is the end expectation of God for life

Emotional Sex

How far is too far?  I’m sure it’s no surprise to hear that I get asked this question all the time from well-meaning young adults, looking to set up some boundaries in their relationships. But why is it that when we answer this question, we tend to fixate on the physical? Don’t get me wrong, I think the question of physical boundaries is really important and requires some serious thought and consideration.  It’s important to put mental time and energy in questions like this and to set your limits within a dating relationship. But is the physical the most important thing? It seems to me that our Christian society can get so fixated on the “physical” aspects of intimacy, that we neglect the emotional and spiritual components that can be just as binding and just as devastating in the end.  There is some deep power in emotional intimacy, more power than we give it credit. More powerful than a kiss, more seductive than an embrace, there is something that happens wh

Our Children Are Not Trophies

Every human being who has ever lived has asked this question: “Where is my meaning and purpose in life to be found?” The way you answer that question will determine how you speak to and treat the people in your life. For parents, it specifically impacts the way you interact with your children. The Bible says that there are only two places for you and me to look for meaning and purpose (or identity). One place to look is vertically from God—from his love and acceptance, his forgiving grace, his constant presence, his power and his promises, and the glory of all of these that he’s showered down on us. But if you’re not resting in your vertical identity, you will look horizontally, searching to find your reason for living in something in the created world. That could be your possessions, your accomplishments, your career or the people in your life—namely, your spouse and your children. The problem with this horizontal identity quest is that created things were never

The Marriage You Want

What does cherish mean? How is cherish different from love? I recently came across a brilliant description of cherishing your spouse that was written hundreds of years ago by a surprising source. I say “surprising” because John Wesley taught about marriage better than he lived it. This quote shows he surely understood how husbands (and wives) are supposed to act, even if he found it difficult to live it out: “The wife is to have the highest place in the husband’s heart, and he in her’s. No neighbor, no friend, no parent, no child should be so near and dear to either as the other… They must do more, and suffer more, for each other than any other in all the world…the husband must do or leave undone, anything he can, that he may please his wife…in diet, attire, choice of company and all things else, each must fulfill the other’s desire as absolutely as can be done, without transgressing the law of God… Helpful fidelity consists in their mutual care to abstain from and pr

Put God First In Your Life

Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second greatest commandment is love your neighbour as yourself. Here are some suggestions as to how that looks like in daily life. 1. Start your day with God. Years ago I read that the daily habit of Billy Graham was to read a chapter of the Old Testament, a chapter from the New Testament, a Psalm and one chapter of Proverbs every day. I thought, if it works for Billy Graham, I need to give it a try. That was over thirty years ago. Starting my day reading God’s word has been one of the best decisions and habits that I have. I still marvel at how God speaks to me daily through His word. I love how the Psalms show me the true emotions and hearts of those ancient songwriters. I love how reading the Proverbs gives me daily wisdom on living a balanced life. I love how reading the New Testament reveals Jesus and the great men and woman that follow