I Love You - Part 1

John 3: 16
For God so LOVE the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

The statement “I love you” is more than the movies you have watched. It’s more than the songs you have listened. It’s more than what the past knowledge has educated us. There is a present truth the Holy Spirit has revealed and this truth will keep improving as times goes on. All the details of this teaching are not all there is to know. There is more but before the more arrives, let us take a leap into what’s before us.

To some people, this statement is just their ticket to get any thing they need from people. To some people, this statement is just one of the lines in poems. To some people, it’s a call of duty. To some people, it’s an expression of responsibility and accountability. To some people, it’s an emotional feeling that must be expressed with words. If we must discover the truth behind this statement according to the expectation of God, we must choose not to assume or presume. It’s time for us to start asking questions.

When it comes to the statement I love you, the big question is not true or false. The big question is who are you? There is a need to question your self. 

Let us look at the “I” in the ‘I love you.’


The word ‘I” is so deep and wide. It entails the total sum of your person (identity), what you have and who you will become. The “I” carries the details of the past, present and future. It entails the attitude, talents, creativity, passion, beliefs, priority, value and every thing you have been, will be and who you are presently.

Before you allow emotions carry you, do you have an idea of who you are? Before you say I love you to that lady or man, consider the following questions;

-         Who am I?
-         Where am I coming from in life?
-         Where am I now in life?
-         Where am I going to in life?
-         Do I really understand the kind of person I am?
-         What are my fears, worries and doubts?
-         What am I passionate about?
-         What’s my purpose?
-         What’s my vision?
-         Am I responsible?
-         Who is my mentor?
-         Am I accountable to God and my mentor?
-         Have I reconciled with my past?
-         Do I value my self?
-         Do I love my self?
-         Do I manage my time well?
-         Have I accepted my uniqueness as a gift?
-         Am I determined and focused?
-         Am I disciplined and courageous?
-         Do I easily accept my faults and mistakes or do I shift peoples on people?
-         Am I abusive, manipulative and domineering?
-         Is my priority defined with the word of God?
-         Do I respect people’s priority?
-         Do I listen to people without any sense of judgmental attitude?
-         Do I communicate effectively without assumption or presumption?
-         Do I judge or condemn people?
-         If every body in this world is like me, will this world be a better place or it will be worse? 

The ‘I’ represent who you are, what you have and who you have become. It’s every thing people know and all people are yet to know about you.

From the above examination, seeing the true picture of your self, is this the person that is qualified to love some one? Is this the struggles you want to bring into another person’s life? Some people are mad (rude), some people are sick (wrong mindset), and some people are nursing a past wound yet they want to love some one else. Things are not done that way. Give God a room to heal you and make you whole again… Going into another relationship is not the solution for the previous heart break you have experienced. 

To be continued...


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