I Love You - Part 2


Who you are and what you have is what you will bring into any relationship. 

Can you imagine you bringing all you are now into a relationship, will that relationship be healthy or disaster?

Caution: When you want to compliment some one’s talent, creativity, and attitude be specific. You can say I love the way you sing, I love the way you dance, or I love the way you make decisions. Many people will misunderstand your compliment if you are not specific about what you say you love. And this can lead you into a big problem.

When you say ‘I love you’ with the intention of staying committed to some one either in platonic or Romantic relationship, that’s a world of responsibility and accountability. This will demand all you are and what you have.

I accept you. I value you. I respect you. I’m committed to you etc. all these are the picture of the statement ‘I love you.’

-         Before you think of accepting someone, have you accepted yourself?
-         Before you value some one, have much regard do you have for yourself?
-         Before you respect that person, do you have respect for your self?
-         Before you stay committed to that person, how committed are you to your self, your dreams, your priority, and self development?
-         Do you really have any idea of what you want to import into another person’s life through relationship?

So when you say I love you - what do you mean? 

-         Do you mean I’m lusting after you?
-         Do you mean I want to kiss you but I’m not ready to be committed to you?
-         Do you mean I want your money but I don’t want you?
-         Do you mean I want to manipulate you?
-         Do you mean I want to be domineering over you?
-         Do you mean I’m deceptive?
-         Do you mean I want you to live your life for me?
-         Do you mean I want you to abandon your dreams? Etc…


The topic still remain, ‘I love “YOU”

Who you are and what you have needs to be a blessing to the person you want to accept, value, and stay committed.

There is nothing wrong with you trying to love and date some one but let us carefully answer the following questions

-         Are you emotionally balance or healthy?
-         How complete are you?
-         Have you recovered from your past hurts?
-         Have you dealt with your past?
-         Are you still dwelling in your past?
-         Are you still locked in the prison of your past mistakes, guilt and regrets?
-         Are you free?
-         Are you a liability or an asset?
-         Before you think of dating some one, have you dated yourself?
-         Have you invested in your self well enough?
-         Do you have time for yourself?
-         How settled are you in the word of God?
-         How consistent is your personal relationship with God? How fruitful is your relationship with God? Have you developed your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional capacity? 

There are lots of self examinations you must embrace. If you are not healthy, your relationship will not be healthy – even if your partner is healthy.

Examine yourself!

Let us look into the “YOU.” 

You want to love, accept, respect and stay committed to some one but some the time, you do underestimate people. I do understand that the passion is so strong and the attraction is boiling. My question for you is: 

-         Do you really know this person you want to love?
-         Do you really understand this person you want to love?
-         Do you know and understand this person’s priority?
-         Do you know and understand this person’s passion?
-         Do you know and understand this person’s struggles?
-         Can you accept this person’s past?
-         Can you cope with the kind of person they will become in future?
-         Do you know where they are coming from in life?
-         Do you know where they are presently?
-         Do you know where they are going to in life?
-         Can you tolerate and help them improve their weaknesses?
-         Do you know and understand their desires, fears, worries, doubts and expectations in life?
-         Apart from whom you think they are; who are they really?
-         Apart from what you want them to do, what is their capacity?
-         Do you know their beliefs? Do you agree with their beliefs?

To be continued...


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