In The Name Of Love - Part 5


Some men have sincerely and honesty raped ladies – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Ladies have honestly dis-virgined men – even men younger than them, IN THE NAME OF LOVE. This is lies the devil is telling this generation. LOVE CAN NOT STEAL.

LOVE protects, defend and preserve you. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve your TALENT, LOVE is absent. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve your SKILLS, LOVE is absent. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve your CREATIVITY, LOVE is absent. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve your IDEAS, LOVE is absent. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve your ATTITUDE, LOVE is absent. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve your capacity, LOVE is absent. If any relationship or friendship is not helping you to protect, defend and preserve you’re your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, LOVE is absent.


You can’t STEAL money for your LOVER IN THE NAME OF LOVE. You can’t lie against your friend just to STEAL his or her LOVER from them IN THE NAME OF LOVE. LOVE will never give to you whatsoever that does not belong to you. LOVE protects, defend, and preserve you and if you are in need, LOVE ASK – LOVE CAN NOT STEAL…

LOVE will not STEAL from you and LOVE will not make you to STEAL from other people. Even IN THE NAME OF LOVE – STEALING is a sin. 


Don’t you ever DESTROY any body’s relationship in the name of your LOVE for the lady or man involved the relationship. Irrespective of your feelings for any lady or any man, don’t DESTROY their relationship just to have them to yourself. Even IN THE NAME OF LOVE, DESTROYING some one’s relationship in other to STEAL their LOVER is a sin. LOVE CAN NOT DESTROY.

Don’t allow any lady or man to be rude to their parents because of their LOVE for you. Don’t be rude to your parents because of the LOVE you have for any man or lady. Don’t DESTROY that sweet relationship in any family through your relationship with their son or daughter. LOVE CAN NOT DESTROY.

Don’t DESTROY any sweet Godly friendship between friends through your relationship or interest with that lady or man. Don’t use your own insecurity, assumption and presumption to create fight between families and friends – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. LOVE CAN NOT DESTROY.

If your relationship or friendship with people fails to enhance polite and healthy communication with parents and friends – LOVE is absent. Being rude IN THE NAME OF LOVE is a sin. Any thing you do outside the instructions of God is a sin.

LOVE is the WAY.

LOVE can not STEAL

LOVE can not KILL


I can’t teach you every thing on this subject. I commend you into the hands of the Holy Spirit to help you and comfort you. No matter how worse your situation might have become, there is still hope for you. 

You are not too far from God and it’s not too late to return back to Jesus. You are forgiven. You are not judged or condemned for your past mistakes. God’s mercy has shine on you today – go and sin no more. It’s time to embrace your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit through the word of God.

You are unique. 

Jesus LOVES you so much. 



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