My First Love - Part 2

Every man must come to a place where all their pride, confidence, courage and dignity hails from their first love (God Almighty).

The first love of any man is not his mum, sister, father, lady or any material thing. What ought to be the first love of any man is God (Personal Relationship with God).

It will become easier for any man to learn how to trust, love, respect, listen and communicate effectively when they acknowledge and submit to their first love. Your values and priority as a man ought to be defined by your first love.

As a man, how do you relate with people? It’s by you giving attention to how God relates with you. How do you learn how to forgive people? It’s by you giving attention to the way God forgave you. How do you learn how to listen to people? It’s by you giving attention to the way listens to you. How do you learn how to love? It’s by you giving attention to how God loves you.

God is your first love; his personality and his attitude ought to define your own personality and attitude. Your personal relationship with God is what should set the standard for how you relate with the people around you. Your relationship with people ought to be an extension of your personal relationship with God.

When God placed the Adam in the Garden He prepared and told Adam to dress and keep; He revealed Adam’s purpose to him. God is the only person that can reveal your purpose to you.
God prepared the Garden before he placed Adam. God alone is the one that has planned your days and seasons. This reflects all you need in life has been prepared before you were born.

God brought the animals for Adam to give names. This translates the fact that you have the capacity to handle any responsibility God presents before you.

If you acknowledge God as your first love, and understand how to relate with him, you will be able to recognize your destiny and your wife.


I want to take this time to write to the ladies.

Before the creation and formation of Eve, God had a clear picture of what He wanted. Being a lady is not the factor of accident or mistake. You are a lady because God consciously decide to make you a lady.

Understanding the power and purpose of a woman lies in you learning to relate and understand your first love.

Your first love is NOT the function of your first date, first boy friend, you mum, your dad, your brother or any material thing.

Your first love is a system and flow of life that can be traced back to the scriptures. Let us take a walk in this revelation.

Before Eve was created, responsibility called forth the necessity of Eve’s existence. Her existence came as a result of the work that was on ground.

As a lady, you must understand that what validates the beauty for existence is the fact that you were created to shoulder a responsibility.

God looked at Adam and saw he needed HELP so God thought of creating Eve. God did not create you to compete with the man. God created the lady to compliment the effort of the man.

To be continued...


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