My First Love - Part 1

You are welcome to this online seminar (My First Love). This seminar is brought to you by “Men of Godly Value” in conjunction with “Ladies of Godly Value (Arms of Hope Expression Forum). You are once again welcome in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The text or Case study for this online seminar is Revelation 2:4 – 5 and Genesis 2:20 - 23

What is first love?

According to what the Holy Spirit has permitted me to reveal; first love is a lifestyle of making the necessity a priority. This is the platform of you setting God’s desire and expectation above every other thing in your life. This is the platform of God’s word or instruction becoming a necessity and a priority in your life.

First love is needed because you cannot just do things, say things and submit to every thing that seeks your attention. There is a specific way to do things. There are specific things to say. There is a specific authority you must submit to; this is dictated by what you have received as your first love.

First Love is needed because of the necessity and priority of life. This is what sets the standard for living.

First love means different thing to different people but it all leads to a place of necessity and clarity. 

First love is always unique and dynamic in nature. It comes in different phases and it is full of authority. It dictates who you should embrace or ignore. This is what set the principle that dictates your decision making and believe.

First love is a system and a flow of life that sets the pace of your destiny according to the expectations of God for your existence.

First love is in different phases which are;

-          Personal relationship with God
-          God’s word and instruction.


I want to take my time to write this to the men. 

Before and after the creating and formation of man-kind, God has being the author of man’s existence. After the creation in Genesis 1:26 – 28 and after the forming of man-kind in Genesis 2:7, the first thing that man recognized was God. The first person Adam related with was God. The first person Adam listened to was God. The first person Adam became loyal to is God; God was his first love, his dignity and pride.

All Adam could be proud of and stand for was all about God. In God, Adam got his pride, courage, confidence and authority. Even before God brought the animal to Adam to give names, it has always being Adam and His first love (God).

The first person that trusted Adam was His first love (God). The first person that respected Adam was his first love. All Adam knew and became was the function of his first love.

Adam’s first love was GOD ALMIGHTY.

The first love of any man is GOD ALMIGHTY.

To be continued....


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