In The Name Of Love - Part 1

I want to welcome you to another deception among the youths and teenagers. IN THE NAME OF LOVE - this is a subject lust and greed has used to carry out their desires among the youths and teenagers.

The name of LOVE is different from the personality of LOVE. 

The name of LOVE is an identity, a sound and it’s not a personality. LOVE is a living, a personality and she has a desire.

Knowing the name of a person is totally different from you knowing the character of this person. Many people know the name of LOVE but few really know the true personality of LOVE. Whenever you see original, you will always see fakes all around you.

LOVE means different things to different people depending on who is feed your concept about LOVE. Some people think LOVE is sex before marriage – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some people abort their unborn child IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some people STEAL, lie and even abuse their parents, and pastor IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOUTHS AND TEENAGERS

Some men have raped ladies IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some ladies have raped men IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Teenagers are raped IN THE NAME OF LOVE. House maid raped by their master – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some married women have sex with their security men - IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some married women have sex with their driver IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some leaders have sex with their secretary or staffs IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOUTHS AND TEENAGERS 

What is then LOVE?

There is a big difference between greed and LOVE but some people are greedy using the name of LOVE as an excuse. It’s time we sit and re-define a lot of things you think you know about LOVE with God’s word. It’s time we jump out of our feelings and look into the present TRUTH of God’s word. The fact that it feels good does not mean its right or Godly. The real question is, is this the will of God for your LIFE?

IN THE NAME OF LOVE, abortion reign among some of the youths and teenagers. IN THE NAME OF LOVE, some of the youths and teenagers abuse their parents. IN THE NAME OF LOVE, some of the youths and teenagers stop going to Church. IN THE NAME OF LOVE, some of the youths and teenagers have put on negative ATTITUDE or addiction. All these things are wrong. This is not the will of God for His people.

LOVE does not KILL, DESTROY or STEAL from you yet some people have KILLED, DESTROYED and stolen IN THE NAME OF LOVE. We have been lied to and it’s our season to embrace the TRUTH of God’s word.

Some of the youths and teenagers have KILLED their TALENT, SKILL, CREATIVITY, IDEAS, business plans…etc – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some youths and teenagers have DESTROYED their own opportunity for self development. Some of the youths and teenagers have being victimized and some are victims – all IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOUTHS AND TEENAGERS.

To be continued...


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