In the Name of Love - Part 2

Some of the youths and teenagers have KILLED other people’s chance for growth and self development – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers chances for growth and self development have being KILLED also – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers are the ones that are STEALING from other youths and teenagers – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers are the very ones robbing off their time, virginity, self development, value, respect…etc IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOUTHS AND TEENAGERS.

Some of the youths and teenagers are distracted from their personal relationship with the Holy Spirit – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers are distracted from developing their gifts, TALENT and CREATIVITY – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers have grown from Godly ATTITUDE to bad ATTITUDE – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers have grown from being polite to being rude – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some of the youths and teenagers have lost their sense of direction and PURPOSE in LIFE (CHRIST) – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOUTHS AND TEENAGERS.

Some youths and teenagers have trusted without them even knowing the person there are trusting – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. Some youths and teenagers gets hurts daily due to their own ignorance and impatience – IN THE NAME OF LOVE. THIS IS NOT THE WILL OF GOD FOR YOUTHS AND TEENAGERS.

What is the name of LOVE and what is LOVE?

To find an answer, let’s see this TRUTH from God’s perceptive. 

LOVE is GOD and GOD manifested on earth is JESUS. JESUS is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. In other words, LOVE is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE.


LOVE is a personality and platform of acceptance. LOVE is a Lifestyle and has a desire. The desire of LOVE is for you to discover your PURPOSE for existence.


LOVE is what gives you the freedom to be yourself. LOVE gives you the freedom to quit shifting blames on people. LOVE is the freedom for you to shift into who you ought to become in Christ. LOVE is the freedom to feel un-judged with your weaknesses. LOVE gives you access to experience the acceptance of God for your LIFE.

LOVE is the acceptance that gives you the access to the discovery of who you are in Christ. LOVE is who you are in TALENT, IDEAS, SKILLS and CREATIVITY. Any friendship or relationships that refuse to encourage your self development is MANIPULATION. 

LOVE will never demand you to impress people and ignore your self development. LOVE will not demand you to search for LOVE rather it will compel you to search for your divine PURPOSE. LOVE is the one chasing after you and seeking for your attention. LOVE is focus on your God’s given vision. LOVE is CHRIST manifested in you. Any friendship or relationships that refuse to support your quest for PURPOSE discovery is MANIPULATION.

LOVE is the WAY and that means LOVE gives you access to whatsoever God has preserved for your LIFE, development, discovery and growth in God. Any friendship or relationships that do not support this is not LOVE.

To be continued...


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